Your organisation requires formal meeting minutes.

You need help to ensure company documentation is professionally presented.
You need support to organise your calendar.
Your company has grown to the point you need someone to run the office day-to-day.
Vega VA Virtual Assistant Services
Every business needs someone who will look after the “paperwork”.
Who does that for you? If it is you, does this “paperwork” time stop you from gaining more sales and growing your business?
Using my Virtual Assistant services can help you gain back your time and save you money.
Vega VA specialises in full office management, minute taking and proof-reading as core services, and can also offer event planning, invoicing and credit control.
I have been working and running my own Virtual Assistant business since 2002 and bring a wealth of experience to clients and their businesses. Many of my clients have been with me for 10 years or more. I specialise in minute-taking and proof-reading as they’re the tasks I enjoy.
As a business owner myself, I understand how hard it is to let go of elements of your business – the one you’ve grown from scratch, nurtured and developed. I also know that letting go is so important if I am to have enough time to grow my business further and be able to fulfil clients’ requirements. I have therefore outsourced financial matters; design; printing; website and will continue to look at areas which are not the best use of my time.
If your business administration is eating into the time you would rather spend on your customers and developing your business then get in touch with me to discover how I can work with you to help your business to shine.
Prior to setting up my VA business, I worked for over 20 years in various administrative roles: Administrator, Secretary, Administration Manager, PA, Office Manager. Two years of that time was spent in temporary roles so I am used to arriving into a role without training, picking up and running with the tasks required.
Working with me
We’ll start with an initial meeting or call to discuss your requirements.
For formal meetings minutes, it is helpful for me to have some understanding of your business and agenda topics. I can gain this information from meeting papers, and over a relatively short time will be familiar enough to follow meeting discussions. This helps to ensure that minutes are a true record of the conversations, decisions, actions and outcomes of your meetings rather than a verbatim report.
It can be difficult, when you first realise that you need to outsource your administration, to know what tasks you can pass on. I can email you a task list template which is a good place to start for you to list what you’re currently doing. There’s space for you to enter how long the task has taken, which will give you the opportunity to think about what you could do with that time. Also space to note if you enjoyed the task. Do you really want to spend your time on something you don’t even like?
All services are charged at £34/hour.
Vega VA is not VAT registered.
I'll be pleased to provide you with more details about my services
Contact me on 07941 755185 or via EMAIL SARA
Full Office Administration Service
If you need someone to run your office for you, either full-time or whilst you are out, this is the service for you. Initial meetings will be held to discuss your requirements.
Vega VA can carry out all office administration on a remote/virtual basis with regular reports and/or meetings to ensure everyone is up-to-date on all activities.
Minuting Meetings; Meeting organisation and preparation; Proof-reading; Invoicing and Credit Control; Event Planning.